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Arashiyama Bamboo Grove in Kyoto, Japan

Cole’s Recap, Day 4 Continued: C informs group they will be heading to Arashiyama. C debates whether to walk or take taxi to station. Asks for directions. C navigates to large thoroughfare. Hails taxi. BKVC go to station. C surprised by traffic. Driver explains this is typical for Saturdays. Exit taxi. Enter station. Hankyu trains. C says this is natsukashii (nostalgic) for him. Maroon trains. C buys tickets. Board train. Rapid. Three stops later alight. Stroll down platform. Exit small station. Receive files depicting various Hankyu line trains. C explains that Hankyu is only in this part of Japan. C follows crowds. Explains they will cross a famous bridge. Togetsukyo Bridge. Arashiyama is very nice. Lots of inviting shops. C presses forward. Promises time to shop later. Approach Tenryu-ji. Enter. Buy tickets. Stroll through temple. Shoji screen doors are all open. Most temples keep doors shut. Open doors perfectly display scenic gardens and Mt. Arashi. Views look like paintings on the walls. C very impressed. Continue walking. BK walk across tatami. Pictures. Plumb blossoms. Begin stroll through adjacent gardens. Sun shining. Plumb blossoms. Fragrant. Pictures. Koi. Throw coins in bowl at bottom of pond. BC place wager. C wins. First try. B fails. Repeatedly. College girls laugh. 惜しい! (Close! What a pity!) Exit on opposite end of garden. Enter famous bamboo grove. Quiet. Trees knocking together in the breeze. Sunlight filtering through. Videos. Pictures. Return by same path. Head back towards the town. Kimonos. Rickshaws. Street vendors peddling various items and crafts. C starts asking about lunch. Finds teishoku recommendation. Sees other good looking places on the way. B states he wants bentou. C graciously concedes. Finds bentou restaurant. Enter restaurant. Bring tea and English menus. B tries to order teishoku. C chides. Tells B to order bentou. B graciously concedes. Orders Yoshoku bentou. VCK order teishoku. Beautifully presented. Pictures. Itadakimasu. Delicious. Gochisosama. Shopkeeper says the gaijin all have long legs. Especially V and K. Exit shop. Continue walking down street. K buys parasol. Cross over bridge again. Weather is nice. Buy ice cream. C waits. BKV sit on boulder. C goes to look for アイス  (soft serve ice cream). Buys cherry ice cream. Soon finds ice cream is flavored like cherry blossom petals, not cherries. BKV sample. B mentions nearby park to visit.

Things to Know:

*Arashiyama is Kyoto’s second-most important sightseeing district

*It is a scenic forested region in the western outskirts of Kyoto

*The area has been a popular destination since the Heian Period (794-1185) for nobles enjoying its natural beauty

*It is known for its temples, shrines, famous Togetsukyo Bridge, and beautiful Arashiyama Bamboo Grove

*Togetsukyo Bridge means “Moon Crossing Bridge” and is Arashiyama’s most beloved landmark

*The Bamboo Grove is especially beautiful when there is sunlight and a gentle breeze to sway the towering bamboo

*You can access the Bamboo Grove directly from the main street of Arashiyama or pair it with a visit to Tenryu-ji Temple

*There is one main walking path through the Bamboo Grove or join a Bamboo Grove walking tour

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Recap Continued: C recommends going back into town so K can shop. K wants prints. BK must mail postcards. V recommends Kyoto Handicraft Center to buy prints. Kyoto station. Exit station and head west to post office. BK look at stamps. Buy many. Pikachu. Doraemon. Send postcards. Exit post office. Enter taxi. Arrive. Enter handicraft center. Very quiet. Thousands of prints. KVCB look. B decides to wander. VCK strain backs over short counters looking through hundreds of prints. CVK buy a lot. Very happy. Spin wheel. C wins chopsticks. Happy day. Return to hotel. Warm toes. Discuss dinner options. B wants sushi. CV decide to introduce BK to 回転寿司 (kaitenzushi). C asks front desk for recommendation. Kappazushi. C laughs. Kappa is chain and one of three restaurants where CV live. Hail taxi. Go to Kappa. Long wait. Get ticket. V waits kindly/patiently. KBC enter shotengai. BK find chopstick shop. Buy very nice chopsticks and chopstick rests for family and friends. Return to restaurant. V waiting at table. C says to take whatever they want off of belt. C incessantly reaches over B to enter fresh orders on computer screen. 鮭、鮪、たこ焼き、いなり寿司、etc. C eats and eats. Everyone full. C pushes button. Waitress comes over shouting and counts plates. Hands ticket to BCVK. Pay. Exit. Stroll through shotengai. C buys dessert. Strawberry shortcake and giant cream puffs. He never stops eating. Continue walking. Pass by tonkatsu restaurant from first night. Pictures of giant crab and pedestrian crossing sign. Hail taxi. Return to hotel. C instructs they must leave early to board shinkansen (bullet train) in time to make church in Hiroshima. CV return to room. V sleeps. C plans and eats dessert. Cream puff more like cream puff canon ball weighing approximately 5 kilograms. C eats whole thing.