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Journey to the West: Nebraska to Colorado

Saturday March 27: Blue sleeps better than the kids! C is awake before anyone else including the dog. Grab breakfast to go (waffle boats and cereal), get in car, V drives us to Colorado, kids eat breakfast in car. Topper bag on car starts to fall apart on drive. Pull over somewhere in Nebraska to fix it. C feels like Han Solo and the Millenium Falcon. Keep driving. Stop for gas and buy a new strap for the topper. And Cinnabon. And Girl Scout cookies. Keep driving until make it to Colorado! Tumbleweeds. Super windy. Drive through Denver. Get to foot of Rocky Mountains. C drives through mountains and tunnels and pass ski resorts. Stop at “No Name” rest stop. Boys play and run on lawn. Blue plays fetch. Blue meets lots of people who want to say HI! He is so popular everywhere we go! Play fetch and chase with Blue. C sees a lady drive into rest stop parking lot with a bad flat tire. She has kids in the back seat. C says he should offer help. He goes to to help and finds the right tools in our rental car. Help puts on spare tire. We drive and stop at gas station, there. is a big beautiful full moon over desert mesas. Drive to Grand Junction and find our hotel. We all get to sleep! Good night sleep!