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Ala Moana Beach Park

Notes from Wednesday, January 30: Take it easy in the morning since yesterday was a big travel day. Pack up and go to Ala Moana Beach Park. Feed baby while S sleeps in the car. R and Cole set up tent shade. R so helpful and so good! V and H under tent while C R S play in water with splashers. Rain drizzle, a lot of people leave while V H C get under tent. R and S keep playing on beach. Rain stops and sun out. Beautiful rainbow! C plays with boys, then C and V trade and V plays with boys on beach. Chasing R and S with water splashers. So fun! C gets boogie board, we play on boogie board in calm waters, boys love it! Get cleaned up and packed up. Feeds baby. R so helpful packing up tent and bags and bringing to car. We drive to find Steak Shake on Waikiki Beach. Park next to Trump Hotel, walk over. Watch sunset! Order steak, rice, salad. Delicious! Eat on beach, share with boys. Walk back to car and drive home.