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Springtime at Disneyland!

Last Wednesday Cole and I hopped on a plane and flew to sunny California for a Disneyland adventure with the family! We flew into LAX where we were picked up (with impeccable timing!) and later that night we met up with more family who drove down from Sacramento. After a big In-N-Out dinner and a good night’s rest, we were up the next morning just in time for the Disneyland gates to open at 9 a.m.

What wonderful weather we had! Clear blue skies and sunshine! We love Disneyland! It really is the Happiest Place on Earth and it brought back so many childhood memories! We had such a fun time at Disneyland and California Adventures together as a family! We were there from open until close and I don’t remember ever walking so much in my entire life, but it was well worth it! I had such a blast with the whole family and I hope it won’t be too long until we are back for more!