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National Portrait Gallery, Washington DC

We’ve been checking off our DC Bucket List, starting with the National Portrait Gallery.  The Hall of Presidents was one of our favorite exhibits and the museum itself was an incredibly beautiful space.  We spent an entire afternoon there and would still love to go back.  Like all Smithsonian museums, admission was free.

The Hall of Presidents houses American treasures such as the 205 year-old “Lansdowne” portrait of George Washington by Gilbert Stuart.  Replicas have been painted by Stuart, including one on display in the East Room of the White House. 

Portrait of General George Washington by Rembrandt Peale.

Portrait of Abraham Lincoln by George Peter Alexander Healey.  The portrait also hangs in the State Dining Room of the White House.

Abraham Lincoln “cracked-plate” daguerreotype portrait by Civil Way photographer Alexander Gardner.

Teddy Roosevelt:

Ronald Reagan:

Political cartoonist Pat Oliphant’s sculpture of George Bush:

Portrait of Richard M. Nixon by Norman Rockwell:

Portrait of Bill Clinton by Chuck Close:

George Bush Sr:

John F. Kennedy:

George W. Bush:

We spent hours walking through other interesting exhibits too:

Andy Warhol’s Marilyn Monroe:

Portrait of Katharine Hepburn and her Oscar statuettes:

Captain John Smith:


Gold coins:

I really loved the Amelia Earhart exhibit.  Here is a display of her leather flight cap, smelling salts, and pilot’s license.

Benjamin Franklin:

Joseph Smith:

The former Secretary of State (and GW graduate) Colin Powell:

The beautiful Portrait Gallery atrium: