You are currently viewing Petrified Forest Trail in Yellowstone National Park

Petrified Forest Trail in Yellowstone National Park

After a perfect day of riding and seeing the sights of Pleasant Valley on horseback we stopped at the historic Roosevelt Lodge for a picnic lunch. We would need the energy because the hike Cole had planned for us next would take us almost 1,300 ft straight up!

This trail was steep:

Once we hiked to the top of the trail we had an extraordinary view of Yellowstone. Cole points out directions to the different regions of the park.

Not only did a spectacular view await us, but we found a significant amount of petrified wood in this area. These fossils are so beautiful and delicate and it was exciting to find whole pieces this large in size.

On our way home we spotted lots of bison grazing in the grass.

Here, a bull bison and a baby calf:

As the sun set we had the opportunity to see gorgeous sights of the moon over the valley: