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Christmas Eve at Hong Kong Disneyland

Christmas Eve was so much fun! Dad took my brother, Cole and I to spend a day at Hong Kong Disneyland (none of us had ever been before). My parents live close to the resort so all we had to do was hop on the MTR. When the Disney train rolled in it was hard not to feel the excitement and anticipation of being back to the Happiest Place on Earth! The MTR was all decked out with everything Disney, like Mickey Mouse windows. Even the Disneyland MTR station was really cool and all decorated for Christmas.

Welcome to Hong Kong Disneyland! It was funny to see everything in Chinese! We were lucky to have a beautiful day with clear skies, sunshine and warm (almost hot) temperatures! My dad used to work for Disney and knows several people who built this park. From the park directors to the artist who designed the statues, it was fun to hear him talk about people he knew at Disney who made this place possible.

Main Street with festive bright red poinsettias on Christmas Eve. There were lots of Christmas decorations including a giant Christmas tree and the magic of Disney even managed to bring the snow to us this Christmas! It was such a perfect day! After hanging around to see some of the Disney Christmas parade, we had to say good-bye to Disneyland in search of other fun Christmas Eve festivities. Thank you dad for treating us kids to a day at the Happiest Place on Earth!