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Summer in England: Church, Science Museum, Victoria & Albert Museum on Exhibition Road in London

Today was H’s “Yes Day” and he chose to go to the Science Museum. The boys do their morning school work, then at breakfast they taste marmalade on toast for the first time and love it! They ask that we pack marmalade sandwiches for lunch like Paddington Bear. We walk to the train station, and train from Clapham Junction to Victoria, and transfer to the underground to South Kensington. We walk from the tube station to the Science Museum on Exhibition Road and as we exit the underground at the top of the stairs we see the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints! We had no idea we would see our church and the boys say they want to visit the church’s visitor center before going to the museum. We eat our sandwiches outside before our visit. We learn that the building is the Hyde Park Ward and Visitor Center for the church in London. We meet a nice sister missionary who offers to give us a tour. It was so nice and the boys loved it! It was such a wonderful visit and we were so glad we were able to be there and learn about the church, its members, and history in England. After we visit, we head across to the other side of Exhibition Road to the Science Museum. The kids love exploring the exhibits and by the time we were all done, we even have time to explore the Victoria & Albert Museum just steps away! The V&A is an absolutely gorgeous museum! We visit as much as the museum as possible before closing. After our visit, we have snacks outside, then walk to the bus stop. On the walk, the boys notice bullet holes and damage on the walls of buildings from bombings during WWII. They stop and touch the bullet holes and damage on the exterior of the museum on Exhibition Road. It is really incredible. We talk and read more about  the history behind it. We hop on the bus back to Clapham Junction, meet Cole at Northcote Road and have delicious Italian dinner. Boys are given “lollies” by the kindest staff for an after dinner treat and enjoy them as they walk home. On the way they love seeing a group of men wearing top hats and tuxedos outside at the pub!

Things to Know:

*Admission to the Science Museum is FREE

*Visitors are welcome to a FREE tour of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Hyde Park Chapel Visitor Center

*Victoria & Albert Museum admission is FREE. The V&A is a gorgeous museum with beautiful garden and fountain for children to play. Highly recommend!

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