You are currently viewing Summer in England: Prospect Place Playground at Battersea Power Station in London

Summer in England: Prospect Place Playground at Battersea Power Station in London

In the morning while Cole works, V and boys go to barber shop. The kids get their hair cut finally! We stop at Waterstones bookstore. The kids love the adorable children’s section. We eat lunch then bus to Battersea Power Station and walk to check out the new Prospect Place Playground. The kids enjoy playing at the playground the whole day! We stop at Black Sheep Coffee Shop for a snack and bathroom break then return to the playground. We bus home in the evening for dinner with Cole, then the kids shower and hop in bed!

Things to Know:

*Waterstones book stores are found all over the United Kingdom. Great selection of children’s books!

*Prospect Place Playground is FREE and located near the vibrant shopping, dining and green spaces at the massive new redevelopment at the iconic Battersea Power Station.

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