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Summer in England: Kennet Long Barrow & Avebury at Sunset

On our drive home to Bath from the church activity in Bristol, we stop at West Kennet Long Barrow. The barrow is a 6,000 year old Neolithic burial sight! We also see Silbury Hill. We hike to see the burial mound and cave, then drive to Avebury and park the car at the Red Lion for dinner. Inside the pub we see the old village well that they now use as a table for guests! The well has a clear glass cover on top so you can see all the way down inside! Legend says it is “the final resting place of at least one unfortunate villager”. The kids thought it was so cool. We enjoyed a great dinner, ate really fast, and hurried out to see Avebury at sunset. We hike, see cows, the boys run and play and hug the tall standing Avebury stones, then we head home in the car back to Bath before the Michael Bublé concert ends so we can get through the city without traffic and find a parking spot. C goes to Sainsbury groceries to buy desserts and drinks for dinner tomorrow with church friends on Sunday and V showers the boys and puts them to bed. We start to pack up our Airbnb and prepare for checkout and church in the morning tomorrow.


*Kennet Long Barrow is one of the largest, most impressive and most accessible Neolithic chambered tombs in Britain.

*The barrow was built around 3650 BC

*Access to the barrow is open and FREE to the public

*Avebury is a Neolithic henge monument in Wiltshire in southwest England. Visitors can wander around and touch the standing stones. 

*Avebury is FREE and open to the public

*Last time we were at Avebury was when I was pregnant with R. See the post here.

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