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Summer in England: Mini Golf at Victoria Falls Adventure Park, Bath

After our busy beach day all the kids slept in super late in the morning. H was still asleep at 11:15 am! We called and made reservations for mini golf at Victoria Falls Adventure Park at Royal Victoria Park near the Royal Crescent. It was so busy we couldn’t get a reservation until later in the day! Before our reservation we enjoyed the park in front of the Royal Crescent and let the boys run, play and jump to their heart’s content. It was bittersweet thinking after a month long stay in this beautiful city, this might be one of the last times we would be here in front of the Royal Crescent. Hopefully we will all make another trip to Bath again one day and think about these fun days when our boys played here are the park. We walked across the street and over to Victoria Falls Adventure Park and checked-in for mini golf. Mini golf is not my favorite but the boys begged us to take them and they absolutely loved it! After a fun family night at mini golf we headed home, ordered Pizza Hut and enjoyed a movie night back at the house.


*Royal Victoria Park in Bath is a beautiful public park as short stroll from the city center

*It was opened in 1830 by the 11-year-old Princess Victoria

*Book your time online or phone

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