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Avebury & Stonehenge, England

On May 28 we had breakfast at the B&B then walked through the back alleys of Bath until we found our rental car company and picked up a little white Fiat which we would be driving throughout England over the next several days. We realized there was no GPS in the car which would make navigating a little challenging, but with the help of Google Maps we managed to navigate the English countryside without too much trouble and reached our first destination – Avebury. The drive was beautiful – narrow country roads, lots of roundabouts and it didn’t take Cole too long to adjust to driving on the left side of the road.

Avebury was amazing. The stones, walking through the green fields, the never-ending sound of bleating sheep, lambs, chalk trails, yellow wild flowers, footpaths and kissing gates. We ate cheese, crackers, apples, strawberries, carrots, cherry tomatoes, and bread in the car for lunch then drove to Stonehenge. We could see Stonehenge in the distance as we came over the hill. It was an incredible sight. And huge! The sight was touristy but so worth a stop. It was unbelievable to see in person. We also walked to the top of ancient mounds in the field across the way. The drive home without GPS was a bit of a challenge, but we made it safely back to Bath (during rush hour) thanks to Cole’s excellent driving. That evening we walked to an Indian restaurant in the rain for dinner behind Pulteney Bridgewhich crosses the River Avon. After dinner we headed back to the B&B, feeling exhausted after such a fun day!!

Breakfast at our B&B:



Driving the Fiat on narrow English country roads: