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Blue Dragon Festival in Kyoto, Japan

Welcoming spring with the Blue Dragon Festival at Kiyomizu-dera temple in Kyoto. The Seiryu, or Blue Dragon, is believed to be one of the protectors of the city of Kyoto. Every spring and fall there is a festival and the Blue Dragon appears to welcome the season. 

Cole’s Recap, Day 2 continued: Exit hotel. Enter station. Buy tickets. C shows BK where ticket gates are. Enter gates. Board train. Transfer trains. Buy new ticket. Board train. Exit near Gion. Walk up Gion main drag. K admires shops and treats. C buys BKV mochi strips filled with chocolate to eat. Walk. Enter ramen shop. Order ramen. CBKV eat. Delicious. C hails taxi. Exit near Kiyomizudera (pure water temple). Walk up path. V had found that dragon festival would commence at 1pm. Enter temple. C explains how to wash/purify hands in temple. Dragon festival starts. VCKB impressed with event. Dragon passes. C guides BK to Shinto shrine within the Buddhist temple grounds.

Things to Know:

*Kiyomizudera is a Buddhist temple located in eastern Kyoto and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site

*The name means “pure water temple”

*The temple was established in 778 during the late Nara period

*It is well known for its wooden veranda and panoramic views of Kyoto

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