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Cherry Blossoms in Kawashima, Japan

Sakura season is upon us! The cherry blossom season is one of the most anticipated seasons of the year in Japan. Clouds of pink cherry blossoms appear all throughout the country announcing the arrival of spring. It is an incredible sight! Family and friends gather for hanami matsuri, or flower viewing festivals, where they enjoy picnics together under the blooming sakura. Cole and I found some lovely places to view the sakura this week in our little town. Since it is still a little early in the season, we are guessing the sakura will be at its peak sometime next week. As this was my first sakura viewing ever, I had to take tons of photos. We hope you enjoy the pics (there are a lot!)

There is a beautiful pathway near Cole’s school where the branches of the sakura trees create a pink tunnel of cherry blossoms! Definitely one of the best places to view the sakura in our town.


*Cherry blossoms are known as sakura in Japan

*Hanami is the Japanese tradition of holding outdoor parties under blooming sakura during the day or night

*Cherry blossom season is generally late March to early April

*Cherry blossom forecasts are available each year

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Kawashima students running along the pathway under the blooming sakura.

Spring in Japan! It’s jump-for-joy beautiful!

Next we went for a walk around a little park in the town of Kamojima. Pink lanterns were hung everywhere and people had come to see the sakura and enjoy a picnic with their families.

It’s a very pretty park with fish, ducks, and cranes.

What a lovely place to sit and enjoy the spring afternoon!

We went for a walk around Kawashima Castle.

Kawashima Castle with sakura.

What a beautiful country we live in! Happy Spring!