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Scotland with Kids: Clarinda’s Tearoom & Rosslyn Chapel

We drive to Clarinda’s Tearoom on the Royal Mile. V waits in line for a table while C and the kids park the car. We are seated outside in the sunshine. Order cream teas (peppermint and chamomile teas with fresh scones, jam and clotted cream), haggis and cheddar toastie sandwich for C, tomato mozzarella toastie sandwich with leek and potato soup for V, toastie BLT sandwich for boys to share. Delicious! Highly recommend it! We walk back to the car, drive to Rosslyn Chapel. Beautiful old chapel. R and V look at the stained glass windows. The windows tell the life of Jesus starting with Mary being visited by the angel. Next, I loved the window with the nativity scene and Christ in the manger with the animals, shepards, and star over Bethlehem. I love the feelings of Christmas! R and W also saw windows depicting the miracles of Jesus. R showed me the window with Jesus turning the water to wine at the wedding. More windows showed the disciples as fishermen, the last supper, Jesus on the cross, and finally Jesus resurrected. Also, there was one stained glass window for each of the 12 disciples. This church was featured in Dan Brown’s book and film “The DaVinci Code” and we walked down into the crypt like in the movie. We walked back outside where the boys worked on their visitor pamphlets in the garden, then we followed a trail to the Rosslyn Castle ruins. Such a cool walk to the castle over the bridge! Definitely don’t miss seeing Rosslyn Castle! After a short hike, we return to the car and drive back to Edinburgh listening to Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban one the way. We arrive at home for dinner, then bedtime and prep and pack for tomorrow’s adventures!


*Clarinda’s Tearoom on the Royal Mile for “homemade sweet treats, light bites and specialty teas in a time-warp tea shop with chintzy decor.”

*Book tickets to Rosslyn Chapel online. Under 18s with family are FREE.

*A short 10-minute walk from Rosslyn Chapel leads down to Rosslyn Castle. The Castle is not open to visitors.

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