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Summer in England: King Arthur’s Tintagel & Polzeath Beach in Cornwall

In the early morning we wake up, pack the rental car, and drive to Cornwall. The kids eat granola bars in the car and listen to books on Audible. The roads to Cornwall are crazy narrow, winding roads. Finally we arrive at Tintagel and park the car at the open air lot at the trail head to the castle. We walk through the village and down to the castle. Green coastal cliffs and bright blue ocean. We find a sunny sandy beach. The boys are awesome at hiking to the Tintagel Castle ruins. From the cliffs we get the most amazing views. The coast of England is beautiful! We cross the bridge to Tintagel Castle and it spans the water with cliffs on both sides. It is really high up! I hear the bridge is only 3 years old. From the bridge we can see Merlin’s Cave. We explore the ruins and hike to the statue of King Arthur. The boys think it is so cool but also a little spooky. They love the giant sword! The boys find a large tunnel and we all explore. There is also an old well and church ruins. We hike along more castle walls and steps then cross back over the bridge. We decide while in Cornwall we have to try a pasty. We ask for recommendations from the Tintagel staff then walk through the village and buy an apple rhubarb custard pasty from The Cornish Bakery for the boys to share. Then C and V go get a homemade steak pasty from “Slice” to share. We sit down and eat our Cornish pasties and they were great! We hop back into the car and drive from Tintagel to the beach at Polzeath. We find a spot to park the car on the beach parking lot. We take snacks and towels and find a nice place to lay out. The kids love playing in the water and in the sand! It is the most beautiful beach day! V naps in the sun while boys play with C in the waves. In the evening it’s time to go home so we get cleaned up, pack up the car, and drive home while stopping for Cokes to stay awake and Happy Meals for the kids for dinner. We drive home to Bath, while the kids are all asleep in the car. When we get home we shower them off and put them to bed. A great day in Cornwall!

Things We Did While Visiting Cornwall, England:

  1. Tintagel Castle 
  2. Merlin’s Cave
  3. Eat a pasty (from The Cornish Bakery or Slice)
  4. Polzeath Beach


*Admission prices may vary depending on peak or low season

*Consider becoming an English Heritage member

*Polzeath Beach has parking fees apply

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Actual footage of us driving to Cornwall…roads are narrow!