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Falmouth, Massachusetts

On Tuesday Cole, my mom and brother and I hopped into a rental car and drove from Boston to Cape Cod. The drive was very green with lots of lush trees along the way. The drive was also not as long as I had expected. Our destination was a town called Falmouth and when we arrived we were welcomed by a gorgeous oceanfront bed & breakfast named “Inn on the Sound”. The innkeepers and their big black dog greeted us and made us feel right at home. The inn was absolutely beautiful; decorated with furniture like out of a Pottery Barn catalog. The living room displayed delicate seashells, fun antique toys, and a large collection of classical books and vintage board games.

The beautiful “Inn on the Sound” on Grand Avenue in Falmouth, MA:

Cole uses his new binoculars to check out Martha’s Vineyard from the inn’s front porch. We could easily see Martha’s Vineyard across Vineyard Sound from our doorstep!

Vineyard Sound is such a pretty deep blue color on a clear sunny day like this!

This 2nd floor room had a perfect view of the ocean. When I walked into the room all I could see out the windows was the bright blue ocean everywhere! The innkeeper said her guests always say they feel like they’re floating when they stay in this room! I can’t imagine anything more peaceful and calm.

The houses along Grand Avenue are so beautiful! I would love to live right here on the ocean front!

We loved our room’s private oceanfront deck! We left our windows open all night long and felt the cool ocean breeze blow and fell asleep to the sound of waves crashing on the beach!

The inn’s cozy living room had a big stone fireplace, tastefully decorated furniture, and of course a wonderful ocean view!

After settling in, we took a walk around the neighborhood. All the houses here were so pretty and well taken care of. Here are some of my favorites.

Even the bird houses are cool! This little bird lives in a lighthouse!

I loved all the sailboats sitting in the quiet harbour.