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Fishing on Yellowstone Lake, Yellowstone National Park

August 31: We have to get ready for fishing and meet our guide at the marina. Breakfast, dressed, get down to the Bridge Bay marina to meet our guide Patrick. Get on boat, so much fun, catch lake trout, C reels it in, S R and H take turns driving the boat super fast! They loved it!!! Clean fish, put it on ice, go back to camp site to grill fish and more salmon for lunch – it’s delicious!!! Grilled fish, honey crisp apples, cheese crackers, trail mix. Clean up, go to Grand Canyon of Yellowstone.  See a wolf on the way! Use binocs and see the white wolf across the river. Drive and hike to Lower Falls and Upper Falls. Uncle Tom trail closed. Drive to gas station, get Cokes, Twinkies and Hostess cupcakes.  Drive to Yellowstone Lake Hotel. Han falls asleep, read a story from Death in Yellowstone book. Eat dinner buffet at Yellowstone Lake Hotel. Explore hotel, enjoy views. Drive to Dragon’s Mouth and see the mud volcanoes. Kids love it!!! Drive to Pelican Lake. See a grizzly bear on the way!!! Grizzly is in the river going to eat a dead bison! See group of elk at Pelican Lake. Go home for bed.

Video of the grizzly bear we saw in the river: