You are currently viewing Yellowstone National Park: Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone, Mammoth Hot Springs & Lamar Valley

Yellowstone National Park: Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone, Mammoth Hot Springs & Lamar Valley

September 4: Wake, hot cocoa and toasted pop tarts. Pack up campsite. Drive to Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone. Lower Falls – Artist Point.  Say goodbye to Grandparents. Drive to get food at the general store. Drive to Mammoth Hot Springs Drive through Lamar Valley. Fishing, pronghorn, black wolf, wildlife, sunset, drive to Livingston, pizza takeout, check-in hotel, shower, bedtime for kids, repack for V and C, prep airport, sleep 3 hours.

September 5: Wake at 3am to drive to airport from Livingston to Bozeman. Great flight back to MSP – kids were soooo good! Watched movies, ate snacks, lollipops, no one slept, rent giant RAM red pickup truck, drive-thru McD’s breakfast, go home and everyone NAPS!

Our kid’s feet after a week of camping in Yellowstone without bathing. Can’t wait to hit the shower!