You are currently viewing Hiking Town Walls in Conwy, Wales

Hiking Town Walls in Conwy, Wales

Cole did a great job driving along extremely winding, narrow country roads and then crowded, construction covered expressways with freight trucks. It was all a little stressful trying to navigate without a decent map but at least the GPS on Cole’s phone was working, thank goodness! We drove through Snowdonia National Park and heard fighter jets overhead (could it be Prince William?), saw roosters on the side of the road, and we couldn’t understand anything in Welsh! The drive into Conwy was so gorgeous!  Green hills and mountains with sheep and cows, rocks and stone walls, cottages, old schools and churches, and sunny blue skies!  All of the sudden we turn a corner and see a giant medieval castle! It was so amazing! We also saw the water and ships. The sun was setting, and we decided it would be the perfect evening to walk around the castle walls. We arrived at our B&B tucked away on a small narrow cobblestone street within the castle walls. After checking in and unloading our bags, we headed out the door to walk around the castle walls.  We walked 2 minutes from our B&B to the first castle tower (one of six total) and up the stairs leading to the top of the castle wall.  We walked along the wall and enjoyed the amazing views of Conwy. We walked down past the train station and continued on to the castle.  There were beautiful views of the castle as well as the water, ships, and sunset.  It was the perfect evening.  We continued walking along the wall, past “Great Britain’s smallest house” and up to the highest watch tower on the castle wall just in time for the sunset! We admired the view and watched the sunset, however the sunset was taking a really long time and we were both so hungry we could faint. Finally, at 9:30 pm we left and walked to Alfredo’s Italian Restaurant for dinner.  We ordered hot garlic bread with cheese, pasta and lasagna to share.  Dinner was so tasty especially after being so famished! We returned to the B&B exhausted and ready for bed. What an incredible day!