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Horseback Riding in Pleasant Valley, Yellowstone National Park

Cole surprised me with reservations to go horseback riding in Roosevelt as part of my birthday. We had originally planned to go on a Saturday, but our car broke down at the Norris camp ground and we were stranded! There is nothing like being broken down in the middle of a national park where there is nothing for miles around! But thankfully after a lot of phone calls we finally got the car fixed and reservations switched to a later time. On our way to Roosevelt we made a short stop to see the impressive Mammoth Hot Springs. We also stopped by the roadside when we saw our first black bear! It was just a little cub, but we were sure mama bear was not too far away.

Yellowstone’s 50 million year old petrified tree:

Around noon we arrived at the Roosevelt Ranch where our horses were waiting to greet us. Here’s Cole with his horse “Zak”.

And here I am getting on my horse “Maud”:

We went on a 1 hour tour with about 15 other riders through Pleasant Valley. The weather was sunny and the breeze was cool, making it the perfect day to ride. Horseback riding in Yellowstone was my favorite!