March 28: In the morning we pack up our car in Colorado and drive to Utah! Boys cheer when we cross state line! We stop to climb rocks, take pics, and all the boys find some special rocks. We keep driving, take pics of the San Rafael Swell, drive through so much beautiful scenery. Boys watch LEGO Batman, stop in Richfield for gas, healthy veggie snacks, keep driving. Stop in Beaver to take out lunch at the Timberline. Drive to a park and eat on the picnic benches, run in field, and play at a small playground. After a few more visits and stories about C’s family around Beaver, we get into the car and drive to St. George. When we finally get to St George, the boys cheer! Get to my parents house! Blow kisses and wave! Give GG hugs!!! Laolao asks, “Does Blue listen to you?” C says, “Watch this…Blue potty!” And Blue potties right there on the grass! Funny dog! Go to the backyard, sit and talk, boys are so excited, so fun visiting together with everyone, boys love talking, boys have a snack, put our boys to bed, put Blue to bed, stay up talking with family until late and it’s time to say goodnight, unload the car, go to bed, so happy to be here, goodnight!