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Katsura Imperial Villa in Kyoto, Japan

Cole’s Recap, Day 4: Meet in lobby. C decides there is no time for train. Walk to Oike Street. C hails private taxi. Asks to be taken to Katusra Rikyu, or the imperial gardens. Taxi driver is American movie junkie. Explains that his taxi company often gives rides to American celebrities that visit Kyoto. C explains that he and Leonardo DiCaprio bought shaved ice from the same vendor near Ginkakuji. Taxi driver loves Clint Eastwood. Favorite movie, Gran Torino. B asks if driver knows Unforgiven. C translates. Doesn’t know title in Japanese. Tries katakana. Nothing. C explains plot to driver. Driver names off 100 other Clint Eastwood movies that match description. C laughs. Gives up. Tells B that driver knows it. Arrive at Katsura Rikyu. Receive audio guides and numerous pamphlets. Wait in lobby and watch video about gardens. Begin tour. BKVC take numerous videos, pictures. Gardens are breathtaking. Garden only allows tour groups. No one else walking through the garden. Garden pond is half-way drained for maintenance. Sun shines. Visit various tea houses peppered throughout garden. Enjoy various views of pond. Cobble Stone paths in Daitokuji style. Stone bridges. Mossy stone lanterns. Stepping stones. Tranquil. Make way to other side of pond. Tea houses with beautiful views of garden. Like paintings. C spots crane waiting in tanbo (rice field) for K to take picture. Finish tour.

Things to Know:

*Katsura Imperial Villa is one of the finest examples of Japanese architecture and gardening

*It is said to be the most beautiful Japanese garden

*Constructed during the early and mid-seventeenth century

*Immaculate Japanese gardens dotted with tea houses 

*To visit Katsura Imperial Villa, you must join a tour and visitors must be at least 12 years old or older

*The tour is an hour long and is a relaxing stroll through the gardens

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