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Kensington Gardens & St. Paul’s Cathedral

With no place to live, and two free Delta Skymiles tickets to Europe, Cole and I (and the little baby in my tummy) hopped on a flight to London to spend the next month traveling around Europe.  We arrived in London on May 25. We took the Tube to High Street Kensington and checked into our hotel. It was a warm, sunny, beautiful day! Even warmer than DC! We walked through Kensington Gardens so Cole could see The Serpentine. There were so many people at the park that afternoon. Everyone was playing, picnicking, snoozing, boating, feeding ducks, cycling, and enjoying the beautiful weather. We walked through Hyde Park and found a nice open space where I convinced Cole to take a snooze with me on the grass in the sun (I wanted to do a lot of snoozing my first trimester of pregnancy!) then we walked to the gorgeous St. Paul’s Cathedral. The Cathedral was beautiful, quiet, with nice gardens. In the evening we tubed back to our hotel and got to bed totally jet-lagged but excited for the next day!

Kensington Park:

Royal Albert Hall:

Streets of London:

St. Paul’s Cathedral: