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Summer in England: Kensington Meadows, Bath

Unprecedented heat temps as we reach 40 degrees celsius today (about 104 degrees F) in parts of England, C leaves early in the morning for a business trip to Oxford, Birmingham, and Newcastle. H slept in our bed last night (he had a bad dream) and sleeps in until 9 am. R wakes followed by S. Breakfast for the boys at the table, V reminds boys to make their bed and say their morning prayers. R reads, then school work for everyone, V does laundry. They do a great job. Pack up bags and walk to Morrison’s grocery store around the corner. Shop and pay and pack all the groceries in the back packs and bags (also known as “grocery store Tetris”). Boys help me carry all the groceries home. V makes fruit and veggie plate for snack while boys watch a show and V prepares pasta for lunch. Everyone eats at the dining table, kids are so happy! After lunch, clean up, do dishes, play. The boys call their friend in Minnesota for his birthday. So fun seeing them chat together – the boys were so happy! Kids play, V cleans, talk to C on the phone, talk to Laolao on the phone. V takes kids out to the park and playground at Kensington Meadows behind out house in the evening hoping it is not so hot. Kids run and play but it is still hot and they are sweaty and red in the face! Return home so V can make dinner, showers to cool off and clean up, kids play, get ready for bed, kids cozy up while V reads a story from the Friend Magazine for Family Home Evening, scripture, prayer, songs as they fall asleep. Goodnight!


*Kensington Meadows is FREE and open to the public 

*The space includes a children’s play area, full-size football pitch with goal posts, fishing areas along the riverbank, and access to riverside walking path.

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