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Kiyomizudera in Kyoto, Japan

Cole’s Recap, Day 2: Return down steps to temple and water spring. BK enter line. Buy cups. Put cups on long metal poles to reach the falling water. Fills cups. Drink. Return to front of temple. Return down Gion streets. V explains omiyage culture in Japan. K enters numerous shops. VCB grateful for chance to warm toes. Continue walking. Pass pagoda in Gion. C hails taxi. C expains that with 4 passengers, taxis are often cheaper than subway. C tells driver to go to Sanjusan temple. Driver informs C that temple closes at 4:00. C directs driver to Toji pagoda. Our third World Heritage Site of the day. BKCV arrive just before closing. Stroll through grounds. Enter pagoda. Enter other buildings on grounds. Enter gift shop. C hails taxi. Return to Kyoto Garden Hotel. Warm up. Enter subway. Exit after two stops. C looking for yakiniku restaurant recommended by V and hotel guide book. Finds restaurant. V explains to BK that they must remover their shoes. Nice man collects shoes and umbrellas. Another nice man leads BKVC through maze of restaurant to private tatami room. C instructs K to push button. Waiter returns. C orders. Waiter turns on grill. Returns soon with several plates of raw meat. Waiter explains meat types and use of various sauces. C begins cooking raw meat over grill. Smells so good. C instructs in English on use of sauces. Places bite size portions on BK’s dishes. So good. Veggies come. BK startled by large amount of raw cabbage. C starts grilling cabbage. Eat delicious food until we are full. Push button. Waiter returns. Pay bill. Exit private tatami room. Shoes waiting by the door. C hails taxi. Return to hotel. Stop by konbini to collect midnight snacks and breakfast.

Things to Know:

*Kiyomizudera is a Buddhist temple located in eastern Kyoto and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site

*The name means “pure water temple”

*The temple was established in 778 during the late Nara period

*It is well known for its wooden veranda and panoramic views of Kyoto

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