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Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland!

Good-bye France, hello Switzerland! We packed a lunch and rode the train to Interlaken, Switzerland and on the way enjoyed stunning views. From Interlaken we rode a funicular to Lauterbrunnen. The scenery was amazing! Lauterbrunnen was just as picturesque as we imagined it to be. Our hotel was just across from the famous cascading waterfall. In the evening we decided to go on a hike. We took a steep trail that led us to Mürren, a neighboring village in the mountains above Lauterbrunnen. It was such a pretty hike and we saw mountain goats with big bells on their collars. The view of the Alps were absolutely stunning! We could hear echos of glaciers breaking in the distance!

The hike turned into quite the adventure. Because the trail was so steep it took us much longer to reach Mürren than expected. Not only did we end up hiking in the dark, but on the way there we got caught in a huge rain storm! To make matters worse, we missed the last funicular back down to Lauterbrunnen! The only way back was to take the same steep, rocky trail we came up! We had to race down the mountain as fast as we could (literally running) to get back to the hotel before the 10 p.m. curfew. The hotel locks the front door at night when the owners go to bed and we had left our key with the front desk! In the end we made it back with just 5 minutes to spare (good running Cole!) It’s funny now, but at the time it really wasn’t. We were completely drenched and our legs were so tired! We took a nice long bath after that!

The next morning we visited Trümmelbachfälles which are a series of ten glacier waterfalls in the mountainside in Lauterbrunnen. On our walk over we saw Staubbach Falls.