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New York City in the Spring

We had a nice weekend in New York City. Since Cole goes to a Catholic school, he had an extra long weekend off to celebrate Easter. I’m pretty sure we walked over a billion miles in three days. At least it felt like it. New York City is so pretty in the spring. It seemed like a different city from when we were there in February. Sunshine, pink blossoms, blue sky, green grass. The city was lush and colorful. Hope you enjoy the pics!

The High Line is a 1.5 mile long park built on a former elevated railroad track which runs along the lower west side of Manhattan though the Meatpacking District, West Chelsea, and Hell’s Kitchen. The park is made from recycled materials and has transformed the abandoned rail line into a beautiful, clean, green place for New Yorkers to come and walk, bask in the sun, and enjoy the views. We thought it was pretty cool: