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Nishiki Market in Kyoto, Japan

Cole’s Recap, Day 3: Arise. Eat konbini (convenience store) snacks/breakfast. Exchange phone calls. BK still not sleeping normally. C asks front desk to call taxi for Nishiki Market. Man tells C to walk. C asks for directions. CBKV walk through narrow streets out to larger road. C turns down small street and can see entrance to the Nishiki Market shotengai. Multicolored transparent roof. Cold, damp air. Smell of fish and tsukemono (Japanese preserved vegetables). Shopping. K looking at ceramics. B looking at food. Asks C about hotate (scallops). C pretends to know. C drinks hotate juice. Continue walking/shopping. K buys beautiful dishware. Old shop owner very happy to make sale to nice gaijin (foreigner). Keep walking. B sees tako (octopus) on a stick. B buys and eats the whole thing. BKVC see metal shop. Enter. BK like. K buys grater. Has her name engraved on it. Very nice man. B buys beautiful tea strainer. Continue walking. K finds silk shop. Buys small silk versions of Japanese food. Shop owner very happy. C finds korokke (Japanese croquette) stand. C happy. Exit shotengai. Cross street. C hails taxi.

Things to Know:

*Nishiki Market is a marketplace in downtown Kyoto

*Narrow, five block long shopping street lined by more than one hundred shops and restaurants

*Known as “Kyoto’s Kitchen” and sells all things food related like fresh seafood, produce, knives, cookware, seasonal foods, and Kyoto specialties

*The market is rich with history and tradition

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