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Summer in England: Old Wardour Castle

Our last Sunday at church in Bath. We feel so grateful for the kind friends we have been so lucky to meet here. We are also so grateful for the amazing teachers who taught our kids in Primary this month. We enjoyed so many wonderful sacrament meetings, talks, and today we had an outstanding 5th Sunday lesson. We said goodbye to friends after church. One of the teachers at church tells R how important it is to enjoy reading all through life. R really loved hearing that and I hope he will remember that always. After loading up in the car, we drive from the church to Cross Keys Inn for Sunday roast. We called and made a reservation with no problem and arrived right on time. We’ve definitely come a long way since last Sunday as far as booking a table for Sunday roast! Last week did not go as smoothly. We loved arriving at the little village, and cute pub packed with people and their dogs all coming together to enjoy time with one another and taste delicious food. The kids ordered fish and chips and C and V ordered the beef roast – it was absolutely amazing! Slices of roast beef and gravy and Yorkshire pudding over roast potatoes and topped with a half roast carrot. It came with two giant side dishes of cheesy cauliflower (divine!) and steamed green vegetables – snow peas, cabbage, green beans. I loved it all and can’t wait to recreate it when we are home in the States! We also ordered dessert: a chocolate cake toped with freeze-dried raspberries and a side of vanilla ice cream and it was so good! Following Sunday roast, we drive to Old Wardour Castle which was recommended to us by a local in Bath. The kids brought their wooden swords to play with and C bought his own wooden sword at the gate to join in on the fun. This castle was used for Kevin Costner’s Robin Hood movie. The boys had the best time exploring the castle ruins, climbing old spiral staircases, and sword fighting each other. We explored the grotto and learned about the history of the castle from the tour guide. After talking with the guide, R said “so it’s like an ancient hotel” and he was so spot on that the guide stopped in his tracks and said “YOU will go far in life!” Lol. The guide gave a truly excellent explanation of the history of the castle for the kids. We got back in the rental car and drove to Durdle Door in Dorset County while listening to Audible books…More to come!


*Admission prices may vary depending on peak or low season

*Consider becoming an English Heritage member

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