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Summer in England: A Quiet Sunday in Bath

On Sunday morning we walked to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints meeting house here in Bath, England. We arrive on time for Sacrament meeting and realize it is Ward Conference. We enjoy so many wonderful talks – the kids especially liked the speaker who talked about the solar system, planets, and how light and dark cannot exist at the same time. The speaker explained that even the faintest light will drive out darkness. I really liked that too. Following sacrament meeting, our kids attend Primary and all get to stay in the same class. After saying goodbye we attend Sunday School and enjoy a great lessons. I love that we can go basically anywhere in the world and find church to meet with loving and caring friends and teachers who uplift and inspire us. After our lesson we pick up the kids from Primary, meet some new friends, and we’re invited to stay for the “Munch and Mingle”. We loved meeting new friends, the kids had cake and chips (crisps) for their lunch, and we were invited to Saturday’s Stake Activity in Bristol. We walk home from church, rest, watch Wimbledon’s Men’s singles finals on TV, and make dinner. It’s such a nice relaxing day. After Wimbledon and dinner, we walk to Victoria Park playground where the boys play until they are totally sweaty and dirty on the knees and face! We stay at the park until evening then head home to shower the boys and put them to bed.


*Victoria Park and its playground is FREE to the public.

*The park is open 24 hours a day.

*Public toilets available, but make sure you bring 20p. 

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