You are currently viewing Cherry Blossoms at Komatsushima Park, Shikoku, Japan

Cherry Blossoms at Komatsushima Park, Shikoku, Japan

Last month, when the cherry blossoms were at their prime, we met up with friends for hanami (flower viewing) at Komatsushima Park. The place was teeming with happy picnickers sitting under the soft pink canopy of flourishing sakura. Somehow, among the melee of frolicking children, we managed to find a place to sit and share an appetizing spread of fruits, vegetables, cookies, crackers, and other fine comestibles. We also hiked up a trail to the top of the mountain and enjoyed breathtaking views of the ocean. Thank you for a memorable hanami!


*Cherry blossoms are known as sakura in Japan

*Hanami is the Japanese tradition of holding outdoor parties under blooming sakura during the day or night

*Cherry blossom season is generally late March to early April

*Cherry blossom forecasts are available each year

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