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The Met Museum’s Rooftop Garden

After walking all around Manhattan carrying baby the day before, I woke up craving a big delicious breakfast. We found the most amazing Challah French Toast with berries and fresh squeezed orange juice at Fluffy’s Cafe. It might have been the best breakfast ever…

The Metropolitan Museum of Art:

Directions to the family restroom included walking “until you come to a statue holding the head of Medusa”… you don’t hear that everyday.

View of the city from the Met’s rooftop garden…a beautiful October day!

Some of our favorite pieces:

Enjoying the fall weather at Central Park…love this statue of Alice in Wonderland and all the children playing on it. Philanthropist George Delacorte commissioned the bronze statue as a gift to the children of New York City and also as a tribute to his late wife, Margarita, who read Alice in Wonderland to their children.

Toy sailboats on the pond:

Ballerina and opera performers at Bethesda Fountain:

Row boats and gondolas on the lake:

Beautiful Bow Bridge, named for its graceful shape, reminiscent of the bow of an archer or violinist:

Such a pretty sight:

Night view of NYC from Top of the Rock: