Here I am in downtown Toronto, Cananda at the corner of Yonge and Bloor Street! Canadians call this area Yorkville and this street is comparable to Beverly Hills’ Rodeo Drive. The thing I noticed about this city right away was its pride in celebrating diversity. Walking down the street you’ll see people of all different ethnicities from various backgrounds speaking all sorts of foreign languages. Old stone walls of beautiful catholic churches and colleges were contrasted by the contemporary architecture of modern shopping centres and art galleries. Our hotel, the Marriott Bloor, was conveniently located directly on top of a subway station. I love the underground subway and I really love any city that has an effecient subway system. This made for an easy access to sights like the Eaton Shopping Centre, the Downtown Plaza on Yonge and Dundas, Chinatown (the 2nd largest in North America), and other must-see Toronto sights. I loved this city! The people were friendly, the city was fascinating, and there was so much to see and do! What’s more is that I have never seen a city more proactive about recycling! Toronto rocks!
My first view of Toronto was the big skyscraper known as the CN Tower. It is the world’s tallest tower and free standing structure at 1,815 ft tall. Just below it is Rogers Stadium, home of the Blue Jays. Did you know that Rogers Stadium was the first stadium ever to have a fully retractable motorized roof? Go Blue Jays!