Okay, time to post about our fantastic trip to Europe. This was the GREATEST vacation yet for Cole and I, and we’d like to share the highlights with you. In June we said good-bye to our jobs and went off on a 3 week adventure through Europe beginning with London. We touched down in Heathrow in the morning and thanks to a strong tailwind we arrived an hour earlier than expected. We were so excited to be in LONDON! We promised we would do all we could to stay busy and awake until 10 p.m. that night to get over the jet-lag.
First we were off to explore the famous Tower of London. We listened to Yeomans (also known as the Beefeaters) who told stories of Henry VIII and the wives he beheaded at Tower Hill. We sat in the chapel where many of the Queens were buried. We saw King Henry’s huge collection of weapons and then visited the Crown Jewels. We saw crowns and staffs that Kings and Queens of England wore on their heads and held in their hands! They were encrusted with diamonds and precious stones like the size of a baseball! The hardest part for me was telling myself these crowns were real, not replicas. At Tower Hill, it was unreal to walk where many important people have walked or stand where so many historic events had taken place. It was a great way to begin our first day in London!