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Summer in England: Tower of London & Crown Jewels

We meet Cole after work and train to the Tower of London just in time to join a free Beefeater Tour. It is London’s hottest day of the year so far! It reaches 90 degrees! We see Traitor’s Gate and the original steps up from the water. We had a great tour with a senior Beefeater (he knew Princess Diana). R was a good sport and got to participate: he raised his hand when the Beefeater asked if anyone hadn’t heard of the War of the Roses. Beefeater asked where he was from and R said “The States” and the beefeater cheerily joked around with him and explained to the crowd the history of the War of the Roses. He said in the United States of America there are states, but in England they have counties. It was as if one “state” went to war with another “state” but they were the counties of York and Lancaster. He had R repeat after him: “Yorkshire is the best county. Yorkshire is God’s country.” To which the beefeater said “Good lad, good lad!” He explained that Yorkshire’s symbol was the white rose, and Lancashire’s symbol was the red rose. That is why they call it the War of the Roses. The white rose lost. After the tour we saw the Crown Jewels, explored the White Tower, and H got a close encounter with the Tower of London ravens! It was a truly awesome day!

Things to Know:

*Book tickets online for discounted rate.

*Open every day of the week except December 24, 25, 26 and January 1. Check website for seasonal hours.

*Children (under 5) Free

*Family rate available

*If you don’t want to pay the admission charge, you can see parts of it for free at night by getting tickets in advance to the ancient Ceremony of the Keys.

*Favorites include: joining a free Yeoman Beefeater Tour, see the Crown Jewels, explore the White Tower, meet the Tower Ravens, find Traitor’s Gate, visit the chapel.

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