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Tsinghua University Campus & Gardens

Even after living on campus for a month, I still haven’t seen all that my school has to offer. Every time I go for a bike ride I find something new and more beautiful than the last time. Today I explored the more beautiful and serene west side of campus. This area of campus is unique because several of the buildings were built by American architects. Many of these University buildings look as if they could be found east coast of the United States, such as the one modeled after Thomas Jefferson’s University of Virginia (photo above).

The location of Tsinghua University was built around the Imperial Tsinghua Yuan, or Tsinghua Gardens. Here is one of the entrances to the garden. I cannot believe I live and go to school here:

It’s nice to get away from the bustle of the city and spend time wandering the gardens on campus:

Artistic sculptures hidden throughout the gardens:

Maybe by the end of the semester I’ll be able to decipher what is written on this wall…

Tsinghua Daxue Tushuguan or Tsinghua University Library:

Tsinghua University’s West Gate:

Quiet tree-lined streets on campus for beautiful bike rides:

Zijing dormitories for foreign students on campus is my home sweet home. Line #13 train passes my dormitory window every 5 minutes:

‘Part-time’ taxi drivers (or ‘black taxis’) playing cards on their break:

Watching the locals hard at work outside my dormitory window:

Chinese student dormitory and laundry day:

Chinese students playing sports after class. My class is held in the round building behind the field.