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Washington Island

Notes from Friday: Everyone slept great! Warm at night, boys slept in, pop-tart breakfast, get ready to go, stop at Nicolet Bay Beach and V watches boys as they play in the sand and water – tell them not to get wet and they can’t resist and get pretty soaked! Time to drive to Ferry to Washington Island, winding ribbon road, drive car on ferry, rocking on choppy waters in car on boat – crazy! Boys love the ferry, Cole gets out and makes PBJ sandwiches for everyone to pack picnic lunch, V feeds snacks to boys in car, boys ask what buoys are, arrive at Washington Island, drive to Schoolhouse Beach, picnic and play and throw rocks in lake at beach, sun out so beautiful, boys love playing in the water, R gets stung by hornet! So SAD! Keep playing lots and lots, eat picnic, collect favorite rocks, stay until sun falls behind trees around 4pm, pack up and drive to lookout point hiking trail but decide not to over do it and just head back to camp site (good choice), drive back on ferry, S asleep in car, Cole takes R on top of ferry, beautiful evening, sun setting, Cole comes back and let’s V go to top of ferry with R, watch lighthouses, other ferries, splashing water, American flag, cuddle on bench and watch us arrive at harbor, get buckled in car seats, drive off ferry and back to campsite, V naps in tent while C makes fire and preps dinner with boys – roasting hot dogs and s’mores! Yummy dinner and dessert, everyone happy! Get ready for bed, C puts boys off to sleep while V tends to fire and keeps it burning, V and C contemplate weather – anticipate rain in the morning, go to sleep, blow up air mattress again – boys don’t even stir, good night! Warm again! No need for sleeping bag!