You are currently viewing Waterton Lakes National Park in Alberta, Canada

Waterton Lakes National Park in Alberta, Canada

This past weekend Cole and I made the 700 mile road trip to Lethbridge in Alberta, Canada. We drove ALL day long through Utah, Idaho, and Montana until we finally crossed the border into Canada (and we remembered our passports…you need those now!)

The drive was a good 11 hours-but my goodness!-we were so amazed by the beautiful landscapes! Cole and I both agreed that we would have to take this drive again soon, and we recommend everyone to take this drive at least once in their life. But make sure you go in the summer months!

Before the wedding on Saturday, which is why we made the journey in the first place, Cole and I had the opportunity to drive to Canada’s Waterton Lakes National Park. Waterton Park is actually part of the Glacier National Park in the US, but just on the Canadian side.

We hiked the famous Bear’s Hump Trail. It was a lot of work, but well worth the effort after we saw this magnificent view. We could see the entire town of Waterton below!

We visited the elegant Prince Wales Hotel which sits next to Waterton Lake. So romantic!

Here we are outside of the hotel admiring the Lake:

On Saturday we drove to Cardston for the wedding. What a gorgeous temple! You’ll notice it looks like Solomon’s Temple! An absolutely beautiful wedding day!

More photos from the Cardston Alberta temple: