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Wilson’s Ice Cream Parlor in the Village of Ephraim

Notes from our last day in Door County: Boys wake at 6:30 and 7. No rain! C is so tired wants to sleep. V gets up with boys. On our walk back to tent see clean up crew working on tree that fell over in the campsite (the sound that woke us up in the middle of the night!) Boys want to play and eat pop-tarts. Pop-tarts for breakfast, C begins breaking camp and V cleans up bedding in the tent. C and R and S vacuum tent, boys play with Legos, S plays in driver’s seat of 4Runner with V, R and S help put tent stakes away, V and C fold up tarp, C loads everything in car, get in car and get going – still no rain! Stop at Nicolet Bay facilities, go to Wilson’s for lunch, park at the pier in Village of Ephriam, so beautiful, V and R loses C and S, they already went to get table, V very hangry, sit down and order delicious lunch, boys color their paper hats, play with jukebox at table, wear hats, look like adorable soda jerks! Eat food – so yummy! Order ice cream – brownie fudge for R and green ice cream (mint choco chip) for S we all share, boys happy, everyone happy, walk along lake, boys love jumping over hole in the dock, want to play in the lake, it begins to rain, C says let’s have a rain kiss to V, kiss, R shouts: “no rain kissing until winter!” Walk along pier, starts to rain a lot, get back as fast as we can to the car, V waddles so bad, can’t move fast with giant preggo belly, get in car, start to drive home, so many potty breaks and stops, we’ll never get out of Door County – potty stop in the grass field, at the gas station, at Main Street market for caffeine and water, stop at Grandma Tommy’s for cherry pie (yummm!), and boys fall asleep in car, rain, beautiful sunset! We eat cheese and crackers and apples for dinner in car, get home around 9:30 PM! Boys take bath, get in bed, so happy!