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Summer in England: Windsor Castle & The Long Walk

Everyone wakes after a good night’s sleep after driving from Scotland back to England last night. We make a simple breakfast. We get out and it is SO hot and sunny as soon as we step outside the door. It’s about 90 degrees today and humid! We stop at M&S for groceries for a light lunch. We sit on the short wall on the street next to the park opposite Windsor Castle. Enjoy egg and cress sandwich, apples, nature valley granola bars, water, salt and vinegar chips. Our appointment for Windsor Castle is at 3pm, finish and arrive just in time. It is so hot at the castle today. Sun shining and hot. All the grass is yellow from the heat wave this summer. We tour the castle, staterooms, special platinum jubilee exhibit w/ coronation jewels, Queen Elizabeth’s dress and robe. Visit St. George’s Chapel. Show Riggs where Henry VIII is buried. He couldn’t believe it! Walk outside the chapel and get to see the Irish Guard and the kids get to stand right next to him for a photo. Kids loved it! Guard marches and yells at tourists standing in his way. “MOVE ASIDE”! Walk to a restaurant for dinner just outside the castle called “The Long Walk Grill”. Kids share a big margherita pizza and V and C share salmon and veggies and pasta. We head home and the kids are so hot and tired. We give them some down time at home to escape the heat and rest. In the early evening we make our way to The Long Walk now that the temps have cooled down outside. We meet Dexter the Windsor Cat sleeping under our car. Talk to a neighbor about him and find our he roams all over Windsor. We leave him a cup of water since it is so hot today. We go to get boba drinks on the way to The Long Walk. It is so good and refreshing! Walk the Long Walk with our kids – a real dream come true for us. All those years ago when C and I were here for the first time. We knew we wanted to be here again with our kids. So incredibly happy and grateful to be here in this moment with them. We love them so much! We walk almost the full length of The Long Walk, but we are told by the staff that gates will be closing soon. We don’t want another Versailles experience (when we got locked in the park after hours) so we turn around and walk back towards the castle. On our walk we see the most incredible moonrise. Orange full moon bright in the night sky. Make it back to the castle in the dark, back home and Dexter the Windsor Cat is gone. Put the kids to bed, sing lullabies then C and V pack for our flight back to the USA tomorrow! NYC here we come!

Things to Know: Windsor, England

*Windsor Castle is the oldest and largest occupied castle in the world. It is open to visitors throughout the year.

*Founded by William the Conqueror in the 11th century, it has since been the home of 40 monarchs.

*Book online for best value and updated ticket prices. 5 years and Under are FREE.

*Families visiting Windsor Castle can save when booking directly with them. The family discount is automatically applied at checkout to bookings of at least 1 adult and 2 children, up to 2 Adults and 4 children.

*Tickets includes a multimedia tour

*Different prices apply when the State Apartments are closed.

*Enjoy free re-admission for a year by asking to treat your ticket purchase as a donation. At the end of your visit, ask a Warden to stamp your ticket to convert it into a one year Pass.

*Windsor Great Park is FREE to enter and is open all year for pedestrians from dawn until dusk with the exception of the Deer Park which is open from 7:30am.

*The Long Walk is a historic 3 mile avenue from Windsor Castle to the Copper Horse Statue.

Things We Did While Visiting Windsor, England:

*Windsor Castle

*Platinum Jubilee exhibit

*St. George’s Chapel


*Windsor Great Park

*The Long Walk

*Windsor Royal Station

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