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Yellowstone Chuck Wagon Cookout at Roosevelt Ranch

August 29: Wake, pop tarts, play in hammock, pack for the day. Grandparents arrive from Utah! Set up their tent. Drive to Roosevelt for chuck wagon ride, R rides with grandparents on the drive there. Gorgeous day! Lots of fun eating cowboy food (steak, corn muffins, potato salad, watermelon slices, coleslaw, beans, corn, peach cobbler). Visit with horses. Story time. Wagon ride back. R and S got to sit in the front with the driver. S drives in car with grandparents back to campsite. Stop in Mammoth – so many elk! Lost grandparents and S at Mammoth.  Drive home in the dark. Meet grandparents and S at campsite. S was such a good boy! Talked non stop to grandparents. Get kids ready for bed, asleep right away. Gnight!

Video of a bison walking by our car:

Coyote waiting to steal a bite to eat:

Yellowstone’s petrified tree is approximately 50 million years old: