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Boston Museum of Science in Massachusetts

Before Cole and I had to jet off to the airport, we took a fun trip to see the Boston Museum of Science. Currently at the museum you can see the “Baseball as America” exhibition until September 1, 2008. Here are some things people have said about the exhibit:

“Baseball As America is a national celebration of America’s romance with baseball and is a once-in-a-lifetime venture that only the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum was capable of creating.”

“I think there are only three things that America will be known for 2,000 years from now when they study this civilization: the Constitution, jazz music and baseball. They’re the three most beautifully designed things this culture has ever produced.”
— Gerald Early, Scholar

“Baseball As America represents the richness of baseball as the American pastime and celebrates enduring American values: freedom, patriotism, opportunity and ingenuity.”

Here’s Carl Yastrzemski in the museum lobby before entering the exhibit:

Part of the “Baseball as America” exhibit gives you the opportunity to experience what a catcher might feel…This gigantic pitching machine launched a baseball going 100mph right at my face! Fortunately for me, I had a catcher’s mask and there was a huge net in the way. I don’t know how anyone can keep their eye on the ball when it’s going that fast!

Cole and I both took a turn in the Pitching Cage. This was really fun. I discovered that at my best, I can throw at about 35mph. Cole on the other hand can throw more than twice that fast!

Cole loved this:

After the baseball exhibit we were excited to see that there was a dinosaur exhibit! Everyone knows dinosaur exhibits are always a good time! We also explored as much of the rest of the museum as we had time for…

After a quick lunch at the museum, it was time for us to say good-bye. But before leaving for the airport we got a glimpse of this giant baseball sitting in the middle of Boston…

It was hard to say good-bye to my mom and brother and this wonderful city. We had a wonderful time together here in Boston and hope it won’t be too long until we come back again.