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Day Trip to Wales: Caerphilly Castle & Castell Coch

We wake and get ready for church at the Bath Ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We enjoysacrament meeting then wonderful lessons. Hop in car and drive to Wales. Stop at White Horse Inn near Bristol for Sunday Roast. The pub was so cozy with melty candles in wine bottles at every table, big stone fireplace, rugs, and windows open to English garden. The roast was a perfect display of art! Pork roast with applesauce, Yorkshire pudding, gravy, roast whole carrot, roast small whole potatoes, roast cauliflower with cheddar cheese, roast cabbage and spring onion, shredded pickled purple beets, stuffing, and long Parmesan crisp. And the best Ginger Ale from the bar with slice of lime. Kids had the kid menu’s fish and chips and lemonade. After the amazing meal, we drove to Wales! Arrive at Caerphilly Castle. It was so cool! Boys loved exploring the castle, up the spiral stairs, rooms, halls, ruins, and there was even a dragon’s lair! V and C gave in happily to wood sword souvenirs for 3 pounds each. The kids were so grateful and so incredibly happy! They couldn’t believe they actually got to take them home! We play outside, so many geese, view of the castle, moat, English wildflowers. Get in the car and drive to another castle. The impressive Castell Coch or the “Red Castle” in Cardiff. We walk around the outside but didn’t go inside since they were about to close. Drive home to Bath. Kids sword fight in the yard. Get ready for bed. An amazing day in Wales! Goodnight!

Things to Know: Caerphilly, Wales

*There are more than 600 castles in Wales, more per square mile than anywhere in the world.

*The souvenir shops at many of the castles sell wooden toy swords. For £3 per sword it was very well worth it to see our kids sword fighting on the castle walls. Entertainment for hours!

*All children aged 5 and under are FREE

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