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MoMA in New York City

While Cole was attending his business conference, Baby and I hit up the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) for a little mother/son date. I loved spending time with my baby boy in Midtown Manhattan!

We saw so many amazing pieces. Here are a few favorites that caught my eye…can you name the artist?

More modern art:

Baby R crawling around the museum and looking out the window over the sculpture garden. Baby boy garnered lots of attention from other museum patrons. There were at least 15 different people who came up to take a photo of him crawling around the museum! Did you know New Yorkers LOVE babies? I couldn’t believe how many people – complete strangers – stopped to say ‘hi” to baby R on the street, in the stores, on the airplane, etc. Much to my surprise, we found Manhattan to be such a family-friendly and baby welcoming place!

Walking around the museum’s sculpture garden:

Admiring the beautiful buildings and streets on our walk to Central Park:

Delacorte Music Clock at the Central Park Zoo:

The Children’s Zoo:

Wandering along Central Park’s paths and trails:

Bethesda Fountain at Bethesda Terrace, with the Angel of the Waters statue. The statue references the Gospel of John, which describes an angel blessing the Pool of Bethesda and giving it healing powers. The fountain commemorates the Croton water system, which first brought fresh water to New York City in 1842:

Cellist playing under the tiled ceiling at Bethesda Terrace:

The lower passage:

Baby in Sheep Meadow. A perfect way to spend the afternoon:

Amazing view of the city from Central Park:

Saying “HI” to David Letterman:

Exploring Midtown after dark: