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Zorbing on Shikoku, Japan

Zorbing is the experience of rolling downhill inside an inflatable ball. Fortunately for us, Tokushima is one of the few places in the world where you can try out this crazy recreational sport from New Zealand. It was a fun thrill and totally worth the seven bucks! Hope you enjoy the photos.

Things to Know:

*The zorb is a double-sectioned giant plastic inflatable orb that is about 3 meters (9.8 ft) in diameter

*We visited Ikawa X Park in Miyoshi City, Tokushima Prefecture on the island of Shikoku for our zorbing adventure

*We rode a car to the top of the hill before rolling down in the zorb

*They fill the ball with water as you sit in the puddle so the ball can roll beneath you. Makle sure to bring a dry change of clothes because you will be soaked!

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At the top, water is added to the inside of the ball for the ride:

Cole rolling downhill in his giant hamster ball:

Videos of us zorbing: