You are currently viewing Yellowstone’s Grand Prismatic Spring & Hike to Fairy Falls

Yellowstone’s Grand Prismatic Spring & Hike to Fairy Falls

September 1: General Store for souvenirs (Teddy Bear for H and compass/flashlight/whistles for R and S). Drive to Excelsior Hot Spring and Grand Prismatic Hot Spring. Drive to Old Faithful for potty breaks, water bottle refills, ice cream, coke, chips. Hike to Grand Prismatic Lake Overlook. Enjoy the view.  Keep hiking to Fairy Falls. Snack at the waterfalls. Hike back to car. Kids did 5 mile hike and were awesome! H hiked so much! Bagels for dinner in the car in the parking lot while C and V had self-heating pouches of beef and vegetable stew and Ritz Crackers. Drive back to campsite and find Grandparents are at the campsite with a fire! Sit and chat, get warm, get ready for bed.